Nomenclature Codes for the WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (EDL)
Access the File: The link below grants access to a spreadsheet containing some GMDN Codes associated with the test formats of the 4th WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (EDL) updated as of 5th July 2024.
Please kindly read the notices disclaimers in the first tab, indicating that this table will help you identify the GMDN Term that is considered to be the most appropriate for each EDL test, but please note neither the GMDN Agency, nor WHO has any responsibility or liability to you for use of any GMDN Term that is identified by this service. For more information on GMDN, please consult GMDN ®. © GMDN Agency 2005-2025.
Download the fileTrial Version: The current version is a reference table of the codes related to the IVD tests of the WHO essential in vitro list.
Noting that the codes, term and definitions are not yet embedded in each of the type of tests description page. However, future developments will associate each diagnostic category with a GMDN Code and eventually a European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) code as well, directly in the test type profile.
Upcoming Updates: WHO anticipates updating the electronic EDL (eEDL) during the first quarter of 2025, aligning with ongoing updates to the 5th EDL.
Contact Information: For further details or inquiries, please direct your communication to the WHO EDL Secretariat at